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لعبة طبخ المعكرونة | العاب طبخ 2.0.0
Margaux Leduc
المعكرونة هي وجبة سهلة وغير مكلفةلتحضيرها.يمكنك الاستمتاع بها مع صلصة الطماطم الأساسية أو إضافةالدجاج أوالربيان لطبق أكثر تعقيدا. طبخ السباغيتي المجففة هوسريعللغاية.واليوم نقدم لكم لعبة جد ممتعة وهي أحسن العاب طبخ الموجودةفيالانترنت وتعتبر الاول عربيا لانها تحتوي على عدة طرقلتحضيرالمعكرونة شهية وانا متأكد ستحبها باربي و فلة لما لها من مداقجدرائع مع لعبتنا وهي مخصصة للبنات وتعتبر كذلك من أحسن العاببناتوكذلك اطفال نتمنى أن تستمتعو معنا.طريقة التحضير : في مقلاة كبيرة اجمع ما بين اللحم المفروموالبصلوالفلفل والريحان، والزعتر. وحركها حتى يحمر اللحم وذلك حوالي5دقائق. بعد الانتهاء قم بتصفية اي شحوم زائدة من المقلاة. اضف بعدها1و 1/2 كوب صلصة مارينارا أو صلصة السباغيتي المفضلة ، ثماضفالمعكرونة التي قمت بطهيا حسب بداية المقال واضفها الى الناتجمعالتحريك بشكل متكرر واتركها عدة دقائق كي تمتص المعكرونةمعظمالسوائل. اضف الفلفل والملح حسب الذوق ولا تنسى رشة منجبنةالبارميزان المبشورة ثم قدم الطبق وهو ساخن بعض الشيء كي تذوبالجبنة.دع المعكرونة تطهى لمدة 10 دقائق تقريبا، واحيانا حركها بمعلقةوذلكلمنعها من الالتصاق على الجزء السفلي من الوعاء تحقق منها بينالحينوالاخر للتحقق لمعرفة ما اذا انها قد اصبحت جاهزة بالفعل.تصلالمعكرونة الى مرحلة تعتبر بها جاهزة وهي عندما تكون حازمة فيالمنتصفولكنها مطاطية.مميزات اللعبةاللعبة سهلةمخصصة لجميع الاعماراللعبة مخصصة لالعاب طبختتعلمين صنع المعكرونة بنقسكموصفات طبخاللعبة عربيةوالمزيد من المفاجأتPasta meal is easyandinexpensive to prepared. You can enjoy it with a basic tomatosauceor add chicken or shrimp for more complex dish. Cookingdriedspaghetti is extremely fast.Today we offer you the game is very enjoyable and is the bestcookin the online games and the first is the Arab world becausetheycontain a number of ways to prepare pasta appetite and I'msurewill love Barbie and Fulla as they have a wonderful Mdaq hardwithour game is dedicated to girls and considered as one of thebestgames girls as well as children's wish Tstmtao to us.Preparation: In a large skillet Combine ground beef,onions,peppers, basil, and thyme. And slide it until it brownsmeat, about5 minutes. After completion Filter any grease from thepanredundant. Then Add 1 and 1/2 cup marinara sauce or spaghettisaucefavorite, then add the pasta that you Bthia by the beginningof thearticle, and add it to the output with stirring frequentlyandleave it for several minutes so the pasta absorbs most liquids.Addpepper and salt to taste and do not forget pinch of gratedParmesancheese and then gave the dish a bit hot to melt the cheese.Let thepasta cook for approximately 10 minutes, and sometimesevoked spoonso as to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of thepot check itout from time to time to check to see if it has alreadybecomeready. Pasta up to the stage considered by a ready when theyareresolute in the middle but chewy.The game featuresEasy gameDedicated to all agesThe game dedicated to cooking gamesTaatalim making pasta divided theSpecifications cookingArab gameAnd more surprises
Cooking cake ice cream game 5.0.0
Margaux Leduc
When we introduced the game of cooking cake and ice cream tothosewe hesitate to ask so that you can experience it and enjoy itthisa class of cooking games applications and our applicationtuningthe cake and ice cream game has many advantages andcontainsseveral great things you'll notice. It when you play it,and afterwe saw it spread rapidly between the game lovers andourexperience, we knew it was worth it. That's pretty cool, andI'msure you're going to like it. It's a game that's not like therestof the games in this store. Cooking ice cream Girls Game HelloDearhow are you today, it's a very hot day for us not to loveicecream, girls, because it's so tasty and healthy. Here's acookinggame for Princess Elisa Magic the most important stages ofthe gameprepare the ice cream and the cake will bring it from itsfavouritebook as it pleases it will blend the ingredients tosurprise thegirls only. Join Elissa to prepare it and prepare itfor allfriends and girlfriends! And a lot of surprises, even foryou,we'll let you find out everything by yourself. Enjoy cookingthecool boze from the New Girls Games Blog Chocolate ice creamCookinggames help the chef to equip the tasty ice cream in a newand easyway with tasty chocolate you gain the taste of the bestcake foryour ice cream, tasty gourmet cooking games specializing ina coolcupcake cooking with ice cream, use your skills in preparingandarranging tasty cake so it looks more appealing and tasty.Icecream cooking game for girls ' cooks Ice cream games from themostbeautiful of the 2017 cooking games where in the heat of thesunthe person needs a cool cream with bread or tasty biscuits andtheeyelash and here comes dorky as a cook in the cake restaurantandmake and make ice cream..... Good luck with the cooking games.
العاب بنات صالون شعر بدون نت 1.0
Margaux Leduc
Girls' hair salon games without the net are one of the bestdress-up and makeup games for girls without the net 2022